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Showing posts with label USG Penis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USG Penis. Show all posts


Clinical Features:

A 31-year-old male patient came with penile trauma.

Ultrasound Features:

- Irregular mixed echogenic area is noted in the right corpora cavernosum near the root with adjacent tunica albuginea disruption & perialbugineal extension.  

- Color Doppler shows no vascularity within this mixed echogenic area.

- Cavernosal artery appears intact. 

- Overlying skin appears thickened, and edematous with fat-plane irregularity with increased skin vascularity indicating inflammatory changes.


Penile Fracture Grading:

Grade 0: Intact tunica albuginea. Hematoma superficial or deep to Buck's fascia
Grade I: Defect in the tunica albuginea and/or corpora cavernosa
Grade II: Defect in the tunica albuginea and/or corpora cavernosum. Associated peri-albugineal and/or cavernosal hematoma
Grade III: Defect in the tunica albuginea, Buck fascia (with hematoma) and the corpus spongiosum
Grade IV: Involvement of corpus spongiosum with urethra and/or vascular injury, with any vascular malformation

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Grade II penile fracture

Ultrasound Images:

Irregular mixed echogenic area is noted in right corpora cavernosum near the root with adjacent tunica albuginea disruption & perialbugineal extension.  

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

YouTube Link


Clinical Features:

A 42-year-old male patient came with

- Painful erection

- Abnormal penile curvature

Ultrasound Features:

Echogenic calcified plaques are noted in tunica albuginea between corpora cavernosa casting acoustic shadows without any vascular involvement.


Neurovascular involvement should be checked in Peyronie disease.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Peyronie Disease

Ultrasound Images:

Cross section of penile shaft showing calcific plaque in tunica albuginea between corpora cavernosa

Cross section of penile shaft showing calcific plaques in tunica albuginea between corpora cavernosa

Cross section of penile shaft showing calcific plaques in tunica albuginea between corpora cavernosa

Long section of penile shaft showing right corpora cavernosum

Long section of penile shaft showing left corpora cavernosum

Cross section of penile shaft showing calcific plaques in tunica albuginea between corpora cavernosa

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

YouTube Link