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Showing posts with label USG Prostate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USG Prostate. Show all posts


Clinical Features:

A 38-year-old male patient came for a routine abdominal ultrasound scan.

Ultrasound Features:

A midline well-defined round anechoic cystic area is noted within the prostatic parenchyma.


- Prostatic utricle cyst is very difficult or impossible to distinguish from a Müllerian duct cyst. It communicates with urethra & may contain spermatozoa on aspiration.
- Müllerian duct cysts usually occur in the 3rd & 4th decades of life, whereas prostatic utricle cysts are most often detected in the 1st & 2nd decades.

Ultrasound Diagnosis:

Midline prostatic cyst

Ultrasound Images:

Tiny anechoic prostatic cyst

YouTube Link:

For further demonstration, don't forget to check our video:

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